"The GOP's Wildest Dream," an article posted in the New York Times by I.P. Philbrick documents the alarming shift of Latino voters to conservative Republican and Trumpian politics.
More than anything it is clear, Religion and Racism will kill and continue to kill far more women in America's future.
Why do people vote for systems that oppress them? Reproductive health care, domestic abuse support, child care, and welfare, these are things that Democrats have created, not Republicans. They are not immediate lollipops that voters get to suck on, but they have made a huge difference for women across America and were propelled by the Feminists. Yes, the Feminists actually have made a difference in the lives of women in America. Amy Coney Barret can thank them for her law degree and the possibility of her seat on the bench.
For well-established immigrants, I have heard this more than once, we are the ones who came the "right way. " There is a tone of self-righteousness. Who do they think even created and pushed for the open doors that allowed them citizenship?
This thread of self-righteousness may be seen in the women who have had abortions and regret them, they are the most virulent pro-choice activists. As if stopping any other women from having the choice they had will make up for the great sin they believe they have committed.
Racism and religion are putting women in chains and will kill even more of us. The gamut of Feminist expressions is not the problem, they are necessary stages and experiments in identity and growth. The women's rights movement is still a young woman grappling with the complexity of what it even means to be a woman in the Postmodern Age.
Get focused folks, the real problem is age-old, just like anti-semitism, they stick with what works. The patriarchy does not sleep.
There is nothing sexier than taking down the patriarchy.
I prefer women living, literate, and liberated, thank you.
My new uniform, one for every day.
Women's slouchy Tee, sz lg.
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